Your Neighbor's Choice


Your Neighbor's Choice ~

Professional and personal…

A Public Health Pro,

Cole is a public health expert  improving our community's health. He connects health and safety, making sure we all take ownership of both. He fights for access to health services and tackles inequalities faced by marginalized groups - vital experience for positive change in Saint Paul.

A Proud Father,

Cole Hanson is a devoted father renting in Hamline-Midway. He knows what our families face during tough economic times. Balancing parenting with a tight budget and a full-time job means that when he advocates families in need, he knows the real win is a happier and safer community for our kids.

An Experienced Leader,

Cole Hanson, as president of the Hamline-Midway Coalition, built an inclusive community on top of a strong foundation.  On the clock, Cole puts families first through education and mentorship. He knows  a good leader stays nimble and honest to change approaches as needs evolve.

and a Neighbor.

Cole doesn’t just buzz in and out of the neighborhood: you can find him playing with his daughter at Hamline Park, cycling to work along Como Avenue, or on a run along Marshall Ave and the Mississippi river. No block is a stranger to Cole and his family adventures!

a 2nd generation neighbor, raising the 3rd.

Cole on the Record

Our neighborhood has been welcoming folks from all over the world… what is being done to properly resource our neighborhood to match our welcoming of everyone into it?”

Hamline-Midway Coalition Townhall on Kimball Court, YouTube, November 2024

We… are taking [on] the challenges our neighborhood is providing us and the world is thrusting upon us.”

Hamline-Midway Coalition hosts annual meeting featuring St. Paul Mayor, Hamline Oracle, November 2024

[The] CVS “should be a community asset that is filled by members of our community — a place for neighbors to buy coffee, buy groceries and get a slice of pizza.”

Minnesota United owner talks plans for Allianz Field area, Pioneer Press, February 2025

“‘…A lot of what happens [at United Village] plays out in our neighborhood,’ said [HMC] Board President Cole Hanson. From his home, he can see the empty, fenced lot at Snelling and University.”

Will ground break soon for United Villages? Midway Monitor, August 2023

“‘[United Village] is taking up a lot of real estate and a lot of air in the neighborhood, and it’s not facing the neighborhood,’ said Cole Hanson… ‘how much a part of the neighborhood is the project going to be?’

Minnesota United team owner makes plans for hotel at Allianz Field, Pioneer Press, February 2024

“‘Removing that at-grade boulevard option… feels like a real rug pull in the face of significant community support,’” said Cole Hanson… ‘It’s really favoring the suburban drivers…,’ Hanson said. “It’s really not prioritizing what MnDOT has been hearing… I could hear I-94 in my sleep.’

Alternative transit advocates fume as MnDOT to drop boulevard concept from ‘Rethinking I-94’ plan, Pioneer Press, January 2025

“Simply put, community solidarity defeated urban renewal – but only once the consequences were recognized.”

Freeways and Freedmen: A Familiar Story from Canada’s Rondo,, March 2020

Let’s grab a coffee!